Mission 2: Tech up for a digitally vibrant nation

Mission 2 aims to embrace technology and digitalisation to drive innovation, enhance productivity and create new opportunities for economic growth.

It is imperative for companies to adopt technology and digitalisation. The NIMP 2030 aims to transform 3,000 smart factories as this will encourage the industry to tech up and create high-skilled jobs for the manufacturing industry.


To achieve Mission 2, it will require the cooperation of all parties.

Companies in Malaysia should aim in adopting digitalisation over low-skilled labour to enhance productivity and create high-skilled jobs. It is crucial for organisations to adopt a digital mindset and integrate digitalisation across the manufacturing processes.

Similarly, the Government will accelerate digitalisation and integration to support the industry. This involves streamlining and digitalising processes to improve public service delivery and ease the process of doing business in Malaysia.

Collectively, the Government and industry will spur technology innovation to create more local technology solutions. This will support homegrown talent and encourage disruptive ideas, thus transitioning Malaysia from being technology providers to technology creators.


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