1 September 2023

NIMP 2030: manufacturing's vaiue-added to grow 6.5% to RM587.5 bil: PM

"Anwar promotes the "2030 New Industrial Blueprint", pushing the added value of manufacturing to 587.5 billion"

New industrial blueprint adopts mission-oriented approach Anwar: Implementation is expected to require 95 billion investment in 7 years

"NIMP 2030: Gaji median sektor pembuatan meningkat cecah RM4,510"

NIMP 2030 will pave country's next economic take-off - Tengku Zafrul

"Malaysia's New Industrial Master Plan Targets High-Value Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices"

PM Anwar to launch New Industrial Master Plan 2030 today

Empat misi NIMP 2030 pacu tranformasi perindustrian negara

Tingkat kualiti hidup rakyat dengan gaji lebih baik fokus NIMP 2030 - PM

Amcham outlines four missions to ensure NIMP success

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